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By Enhanced Settings Module - CXN Trainer and Rider Stats Settings
12:06:19 PM
From the email inbox...


I have a question on the trainer and jockey stats options in the Enhanced Settings Module. I have one of the trainer and jockey options set to: 0 Last 365 Days and the other to: 3 Last 90 Days. What governs which are displayed in the past performances and also could you clarify the “number” references eg 1147 – 1151?

Thanks again,

Rich "
--end quote

In the Enhanced Settings Module Help Doc, I wrote the following about the CXN Trainer Stats setting:

"CXN Tnr STATS 1147-1151
Element Type: Drop Down

Purpose: Provides a way for the user to control Trainer STAT Category inserted into data fields 1147-1151 for .JCP files created during file build routines performed by JCapper’s HDW File Manager. This in turn controls STAT Categories displayed on past performance reports rendered by JCapper’s Past Performance Generator.


  • 0 Last 365 Days – When this option is selected, stats for the last 365 days are inserted into the specific fields controlled by this setting.

  • 1 Current Year - When this option is selected, stats for the current year are inserted into the specific fields controlled by this setting.

  • 2 Previous Year - When this option is selected, stats for the previous year are inserted into the specific fields controlled by this setting.

  • 3 Last 90 Days - When this option is selected, stats for the last 90 days are inserted into the specific fields controlled by this setting.

Recommendations: Use either the 0 Last 365 Days or 1 Current Year option for this selection."
--end quote

A look at the published .JCP file field mapping doc reveals that CXN Trainer stats are stored in data field numbers 1147-1151:


Note: Data content in Fields 1147-1151 are controllable via user file build settings.
See field 1146 for user options

1147 Trainer Sts Current Year NUMERIC 9999 4
1148 Wins 4
1149 Places 4
1150 Shows 4
1151 ROI Current Year NUMERIC 999.99 6

How it works:

When you select "0 Last 365 Days" (without the quotes) as your CXN Tnr STATS setting in the Enhanced Settings Module, when you run a .JCP file build routine in the HDW File Mgr: data field numbers 1147-1151 in your .JCP files are populated with trainer data compiled by HDW for the most recent 365 days.

When you select "1 Current Year" (without the quotes) as your CXN Tnr STATS setting in the Enhanced Settings Module, when you run a .JCP file build routine in the HDW File Mgr: data field numbers 1147-1151 in your .JCP files are populated with trainer data compiled by HDW for the current calendar year.

When you select "2 Previous Year" (without the quotes) as your CXN Tnr STATS setting in the Enhanced Settings Module, when you run a .JCP file build routine in the HDW File Mgr: data field numbers 1147-1151 in your .JCP files are populated with trainer data compiled by HDW for the previous calendar year.

When you select "3 Last 90 Days" (without the quotes) as your CXN Tnr STATS setting in the Enhanced Settings Module, when you run a .JCP file build routine in the HDW File Mgr: data field numbers 1147-1151 in your .JCP files are populated with trainer data compiled by HDW for the most recent 90 days.

From there, no matter what setting you use, when you use JCapper's PPs Generator to render past performances, the trainer stat box embedded in your pps will contain trainer stats as read from field numbers 1147-1151 in your .JCP file.

The long and short of it: The CXN Tnr STATS setting in your Enhanced Settings Module controls the trainer stats inserted into your .JCP files - which in turn control the trainer stats displayed in your past performances.

Note: The CXN Jky STATS setting in the Enhanced Settings Module behaves exactly the same way except that jockey stats are inserted into data field numbers 1157-1161 in your .JCP files.

One final note: In your email you wrote that you have one of the trainer and jockey options set to: 0 Last 365 Days and the other to: 3 Last 90 Days.

That means the one you have set to 0 Last 365 Days is inserting stats for that cxn category (rider or trainer) into your .JCP files based on performance over the most recent 365 days. The other that you have set to 3 Last 90 Days is inserting stats for that cxn category (rider or trainer) into your .JCP files based on performance over the most recent 90 days.



~Edited by: jeff  on:  7/9/2015  at:  12:06:19 PM~


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